BTC-in-Usd.com is a place where you can check the current value of Bitcoin in usd, whenever you want, wherever you want.
This site is run by me – Chad King. A digital nomad who basically just rocks at life. I wanted a place where people could check BTC’s value without sifting through all the usual fluff. Then I thought, what if I took it a step further? So I also created this exclusive blogging system that only the coolest people can write for.
Right now I’m extremely focused on the actual content, and the nyances that all of the greatest writers will bring to the table. I want to make sure that the content is top-notch, and that it’s something that you’ll actually enjoy reading. Therefore, the platform will remain closed, and only the best of the best will be able to write for it.
That said, I hope you enjoy this site, and that you’ll come back often to check the current value of Bitcoin in usd. And keep an eye out for new posts, guest bloggers, and, of course, more updates from yours truly. This is only the chadkinning, folks.
– Chad King